
How to Keep Your Porcelain Veneers in a Good Condition

The secret to a Hollywood smile goes beyond taking care of your teeth. Did you know almost all celebs have dental veneers? What are Dental Veneers? Dental veneers are thin shells of porcelain that cover many teeth defects. Your dentist places them in the front surface of your dental pieces to conceal discolorations, chips, gapped teeth, and more. The procedure of our porcelain veneers in Edmonton is quite simple. On a first appointment, the doctor files down the enamel of the teeth to make room for them (it is extremely subtle because veneers are too thin). Then, they take a mold of your dental pieces and send it to a dental laboratory. After two weeks, the technician sends them to the dental office, and your doctor cements them. Nowadays, you can even get them in a single day with the CEREC system. Instead of taking a mold of your teeth, the dentist scans them with a device for 3D images. They use computer-aided design and manufacturing to achieve a same-day procedure. After one to t

When to Think About Getting Dentures (and What to Think About)

Making a decision about how to solve all of the lifestyle and health issues that flow from missing multiple teeth can be overwhelming. You’ll be besieged with all kinds of information and options ranging from complete and partial temporary dentures to immediate dentures to implant-supported dentures and dental implants to flexible dentures. It’d be completely understandable if you’re puzzled about which options are best for your needs. The staff at your denture or dental clinic in Edmonton  will always be on hand to answer all your questions, explain all your options and to walk you through the entire process. Never hesitate to ask any questions that you have. Deciding how to replace your missing teeth is an important decision and significant investment. Here are some things you should consider and discuss with a dentist near you when it comes to dentures. How many teeth are you missing? This may seem obvious, but let’s not skip a single step. Getting complete dentures in Edmonto

What is an Invisalign Lisp? And What Can You Do About It?

Thin as your thermoplastic aligners are, they very slightly modify the shape of your teeth and the interior of your mouth. Because the way that you make sounds and pronounce words is often determined by the placement of your tongue against various parts of your mouth, those tiny and subtle changes to the shape of your mouth can temporarily affect your speech while you get accustomed to wearing Invisalign in Edmonton. Those speech changes will sometimes take the form of a lisp. An Invisalign-related lisp is a minor and temporary speech defect that mainly affects your ability to pronounce the “s” and “z” sounds. Rather than sounding like “sss” and “zzz,” you may find that those sounds temporarily come out sounding more like “th”. The lisp is caused simply because the placement of your tongue inside your mouth has changed just slightly due to the presence of your aligners — enough to change the way that air flows through your mouth and the way that sound is produced. For most patients

Does Removing Wisdom Teeth Affect Your Facial Structure?

Ironically, wisdom teeth are usually a "pain in the mouth" and not something desirable. Most people get wisdom teeth in their late teens or early twenties, they are the third and last set of molars to appear. These teeth are usually beneficial to the mouth when they are healthy and properly aligned, however, most times, they come out crooked or misaligned and have to be removed. The misaligned teeth can be curved toward the second molars, or away from them. Unfortunately, this creates an entrance for hazardous bacteria to fester in the tooth and lead to an infection, consequently causing pain, jaw stiffness, swelling, or some other general illness. They are liable to end in tooth decay and gum disease, as brushing and flossing are usually difficult due to their location and wrong positioning. Due to the dreadful possibilities of what wisdom teeth can cause, it is advisable to have them removed as early as possible because, when young, the roots are still dense and the surge

Is Teeth Whitening Effective in Composite Resin Fillings?

It is safe to say that most people have gotten dental fillings. Besides teeth cleanings, it is the most common dental procedure in our dental clinic in Edmonton . You may acquire our composite fillings in Edmonton for many reasons. One of them is to fill a cavity after removing tooth decay, but you may also get them for aesthetic purposes. We will explain these procedures below. Tooth Decay Removal If you visit a dentist near you to fix any cavities, the first thing they will do is take an x-ray of your dental piece. If caries reach the nerve, you will need to undergo root canal therapy, in which a dentist eliminates the nerve and fills the tooth with a biocompatible material. As a permanent restoration, they place a porcelain dental crown. However, if the cavity is not too large, your doctor will place a dental filling to fix it. They will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area and, depending on the doctor, isolate the tooth or not. We recommend isolating the tooth to prevent

How To Choose Between Braces and Invisalign

Choose? Did we say choose? That’s our first and most important point. When it comes to achieving your goal of straighter teeth — whether as a mature teen, adult or even a senior — you do have more choices than just wire and metal braces. Invisalign in Edmonton can help you achieve your goals more comfortably, more discreetly and even more quickly. Here’s what you need to know about understanding and choosing between your options. Traditional wire and metal braces have been around for so long that you may think that you know everything there is to know about that option for getting straighter teeth. We have a hunch that may not be true. Even if you’re only considering traditional braces, make an appointment with a dentist near you to make sure you get the true and complete information about that potentially effective option for getting rid of your crooked teeth.  Even if you do know all about traditional braces, do you know about Invisalign? With Invisalign from a dentist  in Edmonton,

What You Need to Know About Root Canals vs. Dental Implants

  There are apples and oranges and then there’s dental implants and root canal. No one spends a lot of time fondly imagining undergoing root canal or getting dental implants in Edmonton , but they’re two very different procedures with very different goals. But with a connection! Here’s what you need to understand about the importance of undergoing a root canal in Edmonton and receiving dental implants from a dentist near you. What’s the point of a root canal? A dentist near you will always do whatever is possible to save your teeth from unnecessary and preventable extractions. One of the things a dentist will recommend to save even a seriously infected tooth is root canal treatment in Edmonton . When tooth decay has proceeded so far that bacteria have penetrated the interior of a tooth and infected the tissues and nerves inside the tooth, urgent action is necessary. Unless something is done quickly and effectively, that infection may kill the tooth and spread beyond your mouth and