How to Keep Your Porcelain Veneers in a Good Condition

The secret to a Hollywood smile goes beyond taking care of your teeth. Did you know almost all celebs have dental veneers?

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin shells of porcelain that cover many teeth defects. Your dentist places them in the front surface of your dental pieces to conceal discolorations, chips, gapped teeth, and more.

The procedure of our porcelain veneers in Edmonton is quite simple. On a first appointment, the doctor files down the enamel of the teeth to make room for them (it is extremely subtle because veneers are too thin). Then, they take a mold of your dental pieces and send it to a dental laboratory. After two weeks, the technician sends them to the dental office, and your doctor cements them.

Nowadays, you can even get them in a single day with the CEREC system. Instead of taking a mold of your teeth, the dentist scans them with a device for 3D images. They use computer-aided design and manufacturing to achieve a same-day procedure.

After one to two hours, the veneers are ready, and your dental professional prepares your teeth for cementation.

We offer traditional porcelain dental veneers and same-day ones in our dental clinic in Edmonton. 

The Benefits of Dental Veneers

If you are looking for dental veneers near you to enhance your smile, you are doing good! Dental veneers are beneficial because they fix the following:

- Gapped teeth – If you have space between front dental pieces, you may mask them with veneers. Your doctor will place veneers with the necessary width to close the gap.

- Discolored teeth – Tooth stains are extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic ones come from food pigments or tobacco products, and intrinsic ones affect the inner layer and come from other factors, like prolonged use of antibiotics (tetracycline) or pulp infection. Dental veneers are an excellent solution for the latter since teeth whitening does not affect them.

- Crooked teeth – To avoid undergoing orthodontics for two years, you may choose veneers if you only have a few misaligned teeth.

- Chips and dents – You may look for porcelain veneers near you if you have a tooth that keeps chipping. Some patients choose dental bonding and undergo the treatment once or twice a year because the resin falls. We suggest a permanent solution for that tooth that keeps on chipping, and nothing remains enough time in it – porcelain dental veneers.

Besides the benefits mentioned above, we must not forget the psychological ones. A beautiful smile impacts your self-esteem. It boosts it because the person looks better and feels more content (and even motivated to keep up with excellent oral care and visit a dentist near you yearly).

Composite Dental Veneers

Besides porcelain veneers, you should know there are composite resin ones. These are less expensive and mask many defects; however, they don’t last long enough.

On average, they are in good condition for three to five years, but they tend to crack because composite resin is not as durable. Also, these are not stain-resistant like porcelain ones.

Taking Care of Your Veneers

So, porcelain veneers are stain-resistant because they have a special stain-resistant surface; however, the coating may wear out after time, and veneers may discolor over the years. To delay it, you must: 

- Brush your teeth – daily, and floss!

- Avoid smoking – Tobacco products are the enemy of dental veneers and other dental restorations.

- Cut your apples – Try eating hard foods in small pieces not to harm your porcelain dental veneers. They are strong but not indestructible! 


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