Does Removing Wisdom Teeth Affect Your Facial Structure?

Ironically, wisdom teeth are usually a "pain in the mouth" and not something desirable. Most people get wisdom teeth in their late teens or early twenties, they are the third and last set of molars to appear. These teeth are usually beneficial to the mouth when they are healthy and properly aligned, however, most times, they come out crooked or misaligned and have to be removed. The misaligned teeth can be curved toward the second molars, or away from them. Unfortunately, this creates an entrance for hazardous bacteria to fester in the tooth and lead to an infection, consequently causing pain, jaw stiffness, swelling, or some other general illness. They are liable to end in tooth decay and gum disease, as brushing and flossing are usually difficult due to their location and wrong positioning.

Due to the dreadful possibilities of what wisdom teeth can cause, it is advisable to have them removed as early as possible because, when young, the roots are still dense and the surgery is less complicated. Removing wisdom teeth is even known to have health benefits like; make space for your smile to breathe well; lesser chances of cavities in your molars; improved bite; etc. However, an unusual dread generally follows the idea of wisdom teeth removal; changes in the facial structure.

We understand that you want to protect your face but this is not in any way true. Wisdom teeth removal in Edmonton can be done by any dentist near you, and your face will suffer no structural consequences in the form of distortion. The end of the gum is where wisdom teeth are located, and the bone is dense here. The part of the jaw where wisdom teeth grow is called the dental alveolus, it is different from the basal jawbone, which is known to determine the shape of your jaw.

As a result, removing your wisdom teeth does not affect your jawbone, neither does it make any difference in your jaw shape. In addition, the skin and the soft tissue that surrounds your wisdom teeth are made of underlying fat, fat pads, and muscles, these also can not be changed by removing your wisdom teeth.

You will agree that there are lots of benefits in removing your wisdom teeth. However, you should know that minor swelling will occur in the days after your treatment, but, once the swelling comes down, you will find that your facial shape is just as it was before your wisdom teeth were removed.

So, what are the things that may be happening with your face after a wisdom teeth removal surgery? Here are some things that may be going wrong and causing the illusion of change in facial structure:

1.    The face looks bigger because of the swelling or thinner when the swelling abates.

2.    You are eating less during recovery, and weight loss always shows up in the face first.

3.  Natural aging causes the soft tissues around the jaw and chin to shrink; people who have their wisdom teeth removed around delicate times in their life can erroneously attribute the shrinking to the surgery.

You can do your wisdom teeth removal near you, if you have a qualified dental specialist, however, our dental clinic in Edmonton is well staffed with dentists who are skilled in knowledge and experience of wisdom teeth removal. You can trust our dentist near you to preserve your smile and oral health.


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